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The annual Breakfast with the Guys evolved from the recognition that domestic violence is not, “a women’s issue”. It is a human issue, and ending violence against women requires the meaningful engagement of men. BWTG is a formally established movement for engaging men and boys in the prevention of violence against women.

The movement has taken root across North America, and in many provinces, the women’s shelters are key partners in hosting, partnering, or supporting annual BWTG events. Each event is unique to the planning committee and supporting organizations and explores aspects of domestic violence including the root causes. Each event is intended to invite/inspire/motivate attendees (primarily men) to do something individually or collectively to end violence against women.

According to Jackson Katz, American educator, filmmaker, acclaimed anti-violence educator, and author: ‘having men take a lead role in preventing violence against women will not only make the world safer for women, it will free men to be their true selves.

Starting under the title “Breakfast with the Boys”, Pace Sexual Assault Crisis, and counseling services, hosted the first event in Grande Prairie in 2008. The event draws a larger audience each year, from diverse backgrounds. 2016 featured the eighth Grande Prairie event and we have continued to align our purpose, outcomes, and goals with those of the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters host events in Edmonton and Calgary, we have changed to Breakfast with the Guys


We believe that men and women working together can end abuse and improve the safety and well-being of our communities and all who live in them.

We endeavor to inspire men, women, boys, and girls to challenge and change social, cultural, and institutional norms that support abusive behavior.

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